How to hide a body. (A Thread)
Take the corpse out to the bathtub and drain that bastard's blood. The blood is a strong ass smell that could be sensed by the nasal sense and the marks leaving in an area could be obvious so on this process strip yourself nude so you wouldn't get blood in your shirt.
Next butcher up that corpse and put random pieces of it into a trashbag or it would be reeking up and give a smell sus on the air. As the flesh covered in leeches, and throw various trashbag in various different areas. Nobody would notice and even if its a dark bag-
no one would notice since it would make sense to check on a trash bag. Shit it might be carcass.

And if you do it just before a trash pick up the bodies hauled away before it decays and stinks up. It won't be noticed with literally tons of other shit-
and your bag is in the middle buried right under it especially if you double-bagged it. Your corpse victim'll stay in fragments forever stagnant none noticing.
Bodies begin to stink within an hour of death and if it's warm outside then it's quicker for the sour stench to leak out the flesh so be extra careful and grab an aerosol can of pepper spray to coat the pieces the smell is unbearable. Coat the first layer of bag beautifully which
will keep animals from tearing open the bag to get to the meat. Officers with dogs that smell won't find shit.

You could hang a fuck upside down in ya tub wnd slit his thr0at from ear to ear to remove a large amount of blood. Most of it'll gush out on its own at once but to get
the last couple of pints drained work his arms like pumps.

For dismemberment I recommend HEAVY DUTY BONESAWS. But if you want to take your time then freeze the body pieces. Take out the trash in a couple of days the stench of decomposition's meager
Make sure there's no incriminating papers in the bag
Letters, receipts, anything with ya name they'll trace you. Hiding the body is important af.

Sea: Pieces get distributed so tie a weight to make sure it won't be seen as the oceanwould already destroy the evidence
Ground: Variety could work. If you want to put it on wet cement construction sites it could work very well. If you want to bury it then do it 6 feet deep since shallow burying would have it's smell stench and linger out.
Thank you for reading @Earlsprostitue
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