Today by being a shit, I scored an own goal and won Blue our first fight.

It took about 6 months.

And this photo:
Okay so, the story behind this is about the first and only fight/argument we've ever had.

One weekend when Blue was on her way down to visit, she rings and says "when I get there we should go for a walk to the shops". This doesn't seem like the sort of...
thing that would cause a ruckus, but bear with me.

Living 750m from Macarthur Square, and assuming this was where Blue was talking about going, I said "sure". I walk there almost daily and that wasn't going to kill me.

So, Blue turns up, comes downstairs and puts her stuff...
in my room and goes "OKAY! Let's walk to K-Mart!" in that really enthusiastic and excited way Blue does because walking is like crystal meth to her.

I turn to look at her and scoff "no we're not" and just kind of laugh because the idea of walking from home to K-Mart is just...
unpleasant, and as much as a masochist as I am, I don't hate myself that much. It was also quite hot, and if there's one thing I don't like? It's heat.

Blue, not being able to deal well with sudden changes to plans, kinda blew a slight gasket and I felt like a right arse...
Here is about the point that I should tell you that I actually walk from where I live into the CBD quite often, I just don't do it intending to... you know... walk that ungodly distance into the bowels of Hell. If I'm out, I'll just say "oh, I could just walk the extra bit...
to go here" and once there "well, it's not too far to go from here", so once I'm done I've walked half-way across town and back. The trick is to break it up into smaller trips.

I can't remember when it was though, but the decision to tell Blue that the walk in and/or back...
wasn't really my best life choice.

ANYWAY... now we get to today and the photo way back at the top of this thread.

I had to get some papers signed by a JP to send off to Newcastle and decided I'd go for a walk, which following the little trip method is: walk to...
Macarthur, walk to Bunnings, walk to the Library. But just to be a shit-stirring cow, when I finished I stood outside the library, took this photo, and said "K-Mart is just so farrrrrr" (Campbelltown Mall is behind those trees).

Blue replies "Is your hip hurting?"
I'm like "pff no, I'm being a brat"

My phone buzzed a couple of minutes later with Blue sending a clearly unimpressed look (not pictured) and her very clearly flipping me the bird (absolutely pictured). So I'm thinking "you know what? I'm gonna do it".
And off I walked, not realising that I was about the score an own goal and give Blue the win she knew was coming and waited patiently, almost *too* patiently for.

Standing outside K-Mart, I grabbed my phone, opened the camera app, then took the photo and sent it like the...
bratty little bitch I am.

It wasn't until Blue responded that I realised how much of a mistake I'd made. She'd won the argument, and I'd set a precedent for just going for a walk to K-Mart like it was just around the corner.

I suppose if this is all we've argued over so far...
then we're not doing too bad with the long distance, family member with cancer, another with dementia, and trying to navigate a relationship during covid/economic collapse/rise of the dumbass covid numpties.

We're going to be fine.

I think.
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