heres a thread of the three major third party candidates running for president this year and a very basic outline of their views and policies !!
first is don blankenship from the constitution party (his vp is william mohr) and tbh i had never heard of him or that party before creating this thread but hes on the ballot in 15+ states
- pro second amendment
- wants to build the wall
- anti-abortion
- a lot of the same views as trump tbh
- thats all i could really find
next is jo jorgenson!! ( @Jorgensen4POTUS )
jo is the libertarian candidate for president and her vp is spike cohen. she is also on the ballot in 15+ states.
jo wishes to make government smaller and cut government programs because she believes that is what caused our modern problems. (see picture)
jo is
- pro-choice
- pro second amendment
- doesnt want government involved in marriage
-doesnt want environmental regulations to prevent climate change
- wants to increase funding for police
- thinks health insurers should be allowed to deny those with existing conditions
the third and final third party candidate that is on the ballot in 15+ states is howie hawkins ( @HowieHawkins ) of the green party !! his vp is angela walker.
howie is:
- pro-abortion
- anti death penalty
- pro-LGBTQ rights
- pro-socialism
- is the creator of the green new deal
- supports universal healthcare
- supports free education from pre-k through college
- wants open borders
- wants to tax the rich
basically if you like/liked bernie, you'll probably like him too
find more about his views + policies here:
end of this thread i think

if im missing anything, please lmk and ill add more!!!!
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