In this lies a core fact: The right insists they're patriots; they hug flags & cry when we take a knee. But it's a sham. When cameras are off, if is WE who fight for their health & safety, just like we did for 9/11 responders. We see honor where they see 'losers' and 'suckers.'
Gesticulating over a flag will not care for our service men and women. But taking care of the cancers our wars gave them will. I don't agree with every, or even most wars, but I have known a lot of soldiers. I have been impressed with their integrity. They are not losers.
We owe them. We sent them to war. We sent them to fields of depleted uranium and let them lay their heads next to acrid, carcinogenic smoke.
When soldiers in Iraq lacked armor, @rumsfeldoffice declared "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." The @gop didn't give a shit who died.
And when soldiers came home sick from exposure to depleted uranium, that administration denied care.
When @realdonaldtrump escalated tensions with Iran, leading to attacks on U.S. soldiers, he declared that their severe traumatic brain injuries were "no big deal." He didn't give a shit for their lifelong suffering.
And when the soldiers returned, he was no where to be seen. @BarackObama was there when deceased soldiers arrived. He cared. But @realdonaldtrump? He thought they were 'suckers' and 'losers.'
Where Democrats see human beings that fight for this nation, the @gop sees suckers, sent to die, not worth a penny of care. They see tools, they see props, they see disposable and ultimately worthless objects.
The fact is, the right are traitors. They care none for this nation and all for themselves. We are better than them. The flag is our flag. The nation is our nation. It belongs to us, protected by real people who deserve real respect. Only @TheDemocrats recognize this.
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