RATING ALL OF GLOMGOLD’S OUTFITS (in no particular order)

A #DuckTales thread
Starting with my absolute favorite from the GlomTales intro!!

Purple (the closest he’s come to wearing pink) and sparkly!!! Cute little bow tie and the jacket has tails. How fashionable

Keeping with the sparkles... Love this look he had going at Scrooge’s funeral!

Love that his little duck spats match the rest of his outfit. What REALLY completes this look is the little pom on the top of his hat

Gotta appreciate this classic look!!

Nice little sweater vest, jacket, and tie. His kilt and tam o’ shanter are very scottish. I love that the pom is the same color as his spats. It’s clear why he wears this every day!

SPEAKING of classic... Love this look from his portrait in the Billionaire’s club! Very reminiscent of his comic iteration. The white pom against the dark jacket and hat really helps it stand out! How adorable.

He went out of this way to make sure that when him and Scrooge both wore tam o’ shanters, his would be ridiculously bigger. How scottish of him!!

The sweater vest and giant hat are just super cute.


The spikes around his neck make him look like a flower, which probably isn’t what he was going for. Still devilishly adorable, though!!

(Flower beard makes up for the lack of poms)

This one was a bold choice, Glomgold. You make it work though. Be proud of yourself

(Bonus points for being the first time he doesn’t wear his beard in the show. Important moment in Glomhistory)


Glomgold and Sharkbomb are really working with this aesthetic. They give off the “I don’t care what anybody thinks (but I actually do)” vibes. The hats were a nice touch


The big pants are really doing something for this look. What’s going on with that sailor cap? The sailor hat is a statement, don’t ask questions

Sharkbomb’s contrasting shirt colors are excellent

Ski goggles? A wig on Sharkbomb? Don’t ask questions you aren’t prepared to know the answers to


Ending with the best. Sometimes it isn’t just about the clothes you wear, it’s the happiness you show while you wear it

(Though these pajamas are ridiculously cute)

Glomgold... Aquatic edition

He forgot his Shark Repellant Glom Spray!! Didn’t forget his very scottish hat though. Dedication is appreciated in the fashion world

There’s something familiar about this outfit...

You guys already know why I’m giving this a really high rating

This jacket is SO cute, and his boots look very sturdy. I love that his little duck tail is still showing. The choice of having a handcuff as an accessory was another bold (and great) choice.

Glomgold your little round body is perfect the way it is. Why

It’s a nice jacket though

What a nice costume!! The detail is great. I love that he could’ve taken his beard off but he chose not to because he wanted to do a dramatic reveal. This one’s got layers

A VERY HUMBLE LOOK. Look at that cute little beanie. The stripes were a great choice.

Duke of the Docks? More like the Duke of Fashion

Glomgold... Those colors on a floral shirt... Why are you so rectangular....

I can’t rate this
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