Because of my experience and how I tend to take one-word prompts, it helps for me to have a ship/setting/scenario in mind to mix the prompt with.
So here, a thread of setups I'm collecting for FFXIVWrite prompts from here on out! Feel free to use/add/RT~
EmetWoL, 5.0, WoL is completely colorblind and always sees in greyscale. Quite literally "black and white"
ElidibusAzem, Amaurot, Elidibus is a newcomer to his post and Azem is well-respected and admired. He's cordial and friendly to the other Convocation members but distant and almost curt with Azem.
It's because he's nursing a massive crush and has a major case of hero worship.
IgeyAzem, Amaurot, Igeyorhm helping a somewhat new Azem prepare and dress for colder climates. Azem has never seen snow before, and is very excited. Igey can't help but think it's cute - what she would give to see the wonder in Azem's eyes, seeing snow for the first time...
LahaWoL, 3.0, Lahabrea is going through some SERIOUS soul degradation issues - namely, he's possessing more and more people, and sometimes his voice slips.
WoL instantly recognizes him every time he tries to impersonate someone and he's getting more and more frustrated.
EmmerololthEmet, 2.X, when Emmerololth is cast into the lifestream, a certain someone who was ready to take a well-earned nap catches a glimpse of a soul that should very much not be there, and tries his hand at plucking it out.
No, it doesn't have to be romantic, Azemet shippers
Lahazem, Amaurot; Azem had to know about Ifrita somehow. It was apparently Lahabrea's Very Grand Creation. Either Lahabrea designing and chatting with Azem about the concept, OR, Lahabrea confronting Azem after their misuse of it (some have pointed out - he might not be angry!)
HythAzem (Azyth? Hyzem?), Amaurot, the conversation that went on between Hyth and Azem when Azem went to get the Ifrita concept.
May be serious or not, containing the undertones of Azem's true motivations - or just fun slice of life antics!
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