There is really no reason to be too upset over Trump; he is rather flavorless and vain. He could easily be led around as the People's avatar by appealing to his vanity; look how Kanye did it - with some results! The Left should "court" Trump. He could begin working their agenda.
What a waste of time to wring hands and condescendingly "explain the joke" of Trump with dour expression. How can one not grin in the face of him? How can one not revel in his antics and speech? One simply must Put On The Red Hat! To not be a Trumpist in the age of Trump - Sad!
Trump proves the slavish observance of and deference to "The Sign" by the Left, rather foolish! I am sorry for anyone who cannot Step Over that hang-up. The Obama/Trump dichotomy reveals the nakedness! Why not revel along with Trump? Some dour expressions about Obama now.
But why? I loved him all the same! Can't you come to love our Liberals? Mild babes. But Trump... the potential! Don't you want to escape the simulation? He has revealed how the system can be hijacked and mark my words: They Will Never Allow This To Happen Again. Or: #Bernie2024?
Perhaps this time, perhaps this time.
If you want someone who can't be integrated then you need someone who Can't Be Integrated.
But they know all this! My good followers know!
I think this thread perhaps forces me to come out as pro-BLM!? :) I love BLM and I cannot lie. But I've long accepted Black Lives Matter as the chosen expression of a form of black revolutionary politics, no matter how rendered inert or subverted. BLM as is feels like simulacrum
of civil rights movement designed to play out to create some new national consensus on race relations but instead could be this very tender and heartfelt discussion on violence. Instead the Desire to simulate revolution demands the escalation of a forced conflict. Honestly.
The national consensus at the time of the events was clear. The trailing initial outcry of the black community's deep concern was understandable but the agitation of white leftists will forever be what has turned this event into a Maoist microrevolution. Another panacea to sell.
I dislike how they only offer these certain values together in a package! Maybe this is my bourgeois sensibility...
There must be some Trump-BLM synthesis; the dialectic demands it.
These tweets - stupefying, I understand - ultimately just mean to underscore my yearning for a coherent national political conversation. :/

Can you deny this posited reality - however absurd - is not better than the one in which we inhabit?
I would like to talk and make friends. Why this animosity brothers?
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