#TENET is a PERFECT film if your idea of perfection is a radio play with stunts
It's plays with notions of time and cause and effect by for instance making it clear at the end of each action sequence that the action has no consquences and that therefore you are wasting your time.
Over and over again. I love the way he got the crew to play with this notion too. For instance scenes in which three or four characters do exposition for a month or so while the camera circles round them in a way that suggests ...
... the cameraman was thinking - maybe I could just sneak off here. Or another sequence in which characters do more exposition on a pair of yachts in a way that suggests ...
... that the actors had said, "This is boring can we go on yachts".
The very best thing about it is the way it plays with the Dan Brown approach to dialogue wherein one character says to another "What do you know about entropy / the collapse of the Soviet Union etc?" so that the other character can reply with a huge chunk of ...
... Wikipedia. My own favourite was "What do you know about freeports?" And I do have to say this is a film that will marvellously enrich your knowledge of freeports
The fight sequences are technically brilliant in the sense that lengthy drum solos on prog rock albums are technically brilliant but ... skippable. So it was a bold decision to have the longest and drummiest of these in twice. A drum solo encore.
It was a fantastic privilege to watch it in the @PlazaCinema because - as afficianados will know - it is right next to an actual Freeport so we were able to compare and contrast the container action.
I know its release was delayed by lockdown and it's tragedy it wasn't delayed a little bit longer because then its future release would be already in the past and I would have already have seen it before I had to sit through it.
If you like gobbets of undigested exposition though you'll love it. Honestly Brunelleschi used less exposition to get that dome up in Florence. And the only exposition the film actually needed was ...
... lads, it's horcruxes but in a sciencey way.
I admire the boldness with which he lays out his theme. For instance I guess the direction to the explainy scientist at the beginning must have been "BE the boredom you are feeling in a way that will prefigure the vastly greater boredom -
both retrospective and anticipatory - with which we are about to swamp the cinema.
To those saying that in some previously unused sense of the word Tenet is "clever" I quote a clever film - "There is a very thin line between clever and stupid."
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