I'm happy to see ND people find joy in their idols stimming etc. but full on diagnosing them and saying they have this or that just seems harmful to me. Not because being on the spectrum is bad, but because it's something that is indeed supposed to be diagnosed and+ https://twitter.com/mewyoongii/status/1302714980165464065
Normalising saying that adhd = stimming / not being able to focus just makes stupid people self-diagnose which I find very dangerous because then actual ND individuals aren't taken seriously.

Also I don't know if I'm nt or nd because I haven't seen a specialist+
But I've always considered I might be on the spectrum because of a huge part of my overall behaviour and way of thinking etc. so now seeing people say a member has adhd or autism just because they did smth is making me question myself again and self diagnose which I don't like😬
I don't think it's a bad thing to talk abt jk stimming or stuff because I do a lot of what he does too and my friends and family always point it out and I'm like ,, should I not,, but diagnosing members with ANYTHING whether it's autism, depression, fucking idk asthma is 😕
Also self diagnosis is good if u live somewhere where you can't get that professionally done but it can also be harmful. I'd know because of my own experience
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