This is going to be a long thread appreciating the hell out of a bunch of content creators who have introduced me to a ton of new media I adore

ty to @MinnMaxShow @cinemasins @CinemaWinner @yacobg42 @gameinformer @EyePatchWolf and more

each of these creators are great
@MinnMaxShow introduced me to the following, Court of OWLs comic (which lead me to more comics), so many Get A Load of This' , AC Syndicate when they said it was the best of the last era of AC games and now I just started AC Origin, James Brown via MinnTrax...
Hades via @SurielVazquez, The Last Dance (finished earlier this week after I heard you guys talk about it on the pod), and @leovader for anything Tom Clancy related like Black List
@cinemasins has recommended so many movies. Most recently my wife and I have watched The Money Pit and The Burbs after listening to the two Tom Hanks focused pods, we love the Best Movies Since I've Been Alive series where we saw Clueless (great)...
somewhere the recommended Demolition Man which was hilarious, Jeremy's love for Book Smart is well deserved, and so many other movies (Roma stands out). I have a running google doc of movies recommended on the Pod and it usually dictates what we watch at home
@CinemaWinner another great movie centric creator. The passion and detail in each video essay oozes from the screen. I already loved Into the Spiderverse but after watching your video diving deep into that movie, I love it even more. The way you highlight music is outstanding...
and has helped me pay more attention music in movies. your recent Wall-E videos were amazing as well. I love your work (and everyone else mentioned in this thread which isn't over)
@yacobg42 your video essays are outstanding. They usually leave me pondering the topic for a few hours. The Intimacy of Objects a recent highlight. Great video. As well as Outer Wilds: Death, Inevitability, and Ray Bradbury

Your passion and care is felt in every video
@gameinformer has helped me open my wallet for over a decade. the passion (noticing a trend?) in each issue makes me appreciate video games that much more. GI (and @dantack) introduced to Roguelites...
Hearing about these games on the GI Show convinced me to buy them (FTL, Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, Into the Breach and more)

And recently @dantack spoke somewhere or tweeted how he was looking forward to the Runeterra Targon expansion, and now I've been playing Runeterra again
@EyePatchWolf I love your video. Especially the Why You Should Watch series. The level of detail you demonstrate alongside your passion for each piece of media inspires me to watch that media. I have seen so many awesome anime thanks to you...
Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop (amazing, one of my favorites of all time now), Samura Champloo and Kids on the Slope (after Bebop), Hunter x Hunter (ant arc was SLOW), Mob Psycho, One Punch Man (read manga, never watched until your vid), Jo Jo and soon to be Samurai Jack.
that is all I had written regarding these awesome people or groups of people. I should have said this at the start but, my quarantine hobby is seeing other people's passion for a piece of media, then experiencing that piece of media...
I love hearing how happy ppl are discussing their favorite shows, movies, etc, why the love them, what makes them great, what impact they had on them and so on.

If you take anything from this, let it be that if you are passionate about something and you feel like sharing, do it.
special thanks to @Joejuba for sponsoring this tweet. He said awhile ago he wanted to thank ppl he liked but didn't want to be a bother, but he said screw it and would do it anyway

Today I channeled my inner Joe Juba to say thank you so much to so many amazing ppl. Thank you all
I should have done a better job proof reading. noticing errors here and there in this thread. apologies.
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