They want you to be mad.
They want you to be scared.
But why be either when we’re about to Make America Great the likes of which no one alive has ever seen before.
There’s a reason you’re awake and here now.

It’s because you BELIEVE there’s a chance that you’re not going to have to live in the world that THEY gave you but INSTEAD live in a world that GOD gave you - TRUE FREEDOM!
This belief is awakening (your) Spirit and giving you something POWERFUL to fight for. If you’re like me it’s completely inescapable and it DRIVES you.
We were blessed in life to have this Opportunity of a Lifetime to be PHENOMENAL. To be more phenomenal than you thought you could ever be >>for the children, >>for We The People, >>For God and Country, >>for the Future of All Humanity.
So what are (you) going to do with this opportunity- the time is NOW!
There’s no need to be scared.
There’s no need to run from the pain; Embrace the PAIN.
This pain is going to be part of our PRIZE.
This pain is going to save the souls of good people everywhere.
It’s easy to sit back and watch the world wake up, hoping and trusting that others will help see us through- but if you do you’ll never realize how GREAT (you) truly are.
Never forget how absolutely powerful your voice is.
Never forget how absolutely contagious and unstoppable Faith Hope and Love are.
For hundreds of years they have schemed against us and yet after centuries of oppression and war, WE ARE STILL HERE.
In the End, God Wins and there is NOTHING that can stop what’s coming.
There’s something GREAT inside you that you’re about to find out you didn’t know you had.

Therefore, be not afraid- celebrate.

Celebrate knowing that what lies before us on the horizons is eons greater than what lies behind us.
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