I hope the terms “reach school & safety school” in college advising, goes away.

What are we saying about what education is & what it is for, if this is how we talk to famalies about applying to college?
Same goes for “dream school”.
“Imagine” by John Lennon, but college.
“What should my student do to look strong & stand out on college applications?”

🙋🏽‍♀️Raise your hand if you’ve heard this question or have asked it?

Now ask, why take so much stock into what @USNewsEducation @MONEY @WSJ & @nytimes has to say about college admissions & testing?
Why do counselors & college advisors, tutors, & consultants take so much stock in the hype around how to “craft the perfect college application”? Is it self serving, or do they believe it?

Do colleges & admission professionals really believe in this?
Do you know how many books have been written, movies & tv shows made about college admissions? The sales pitch & the path to college keeps getting more expensive, more convoluted & more “mysterious”. That’s what we’ve been sold anyway. Why else would we pay for so much advice?
Colleges: Please don’t fool yourselves into believing in flawless applications, they were paid for. And if you know, do something about! There’s a reason we hear, “college has gotten harder to get into.” You are a solution too, but many keep holding onto the status quo. Don’t!
Students: Don’t believe the loud noise you hear about what you need to do to be successful in life. There’s more than 1 path & more than one right time. You have so much agency in your future. Don’t allow the noisy world to make the boxes for you to check. Make your own box.
Counselors & college access advisors: You have more power than you’ve been made to believe. The metrics of success are not true. You’ve been sold on the idea too. Use your power, voice, & your knowledge to dismantle the system, it’s never been equitable!

Why else are you here?
Parents: You’re the largest part of the solution. Don’t spend money making it better for YOUR kid to have an advantage. I’m serious here. If you want to truly make a better world for your child, make it better for others, & that’s what your child will see and do too.
I know, I know, you may say I’m a dreamer...
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