Klance question thread
Please QRT your response!!
1. How did you discover Klance?
2. How long have you shipped Klance?
3. What’s your favorite canon Klance moment?
4. What’s your favorite Klance head-canon?
5. What’s your favorite Klance AU?
6. What are your favorite Lance head-canons?
7. What are your favorite Keith head-canons?
8. What are your comfort Klance fics?
9. Do you have any Klance as dads head-canons?
10. What couples costume for Halloween do you think Klance would pull off the best?
11. Do you consider Klance to be your comfort ship? Why?
12. Who do you think would propose?
13. Who’s your favorite Klance artist? Feel free to tag them!
14. Do you relate to Lance or Keith more?
15. What’s your favorite line from a Klance fic?
End of thread!
You can follow @klancezstarz.
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