My English is decent but not very good.

That's why when I randomly came across an English teacher from the US (me refusing to call US people American) on my way to the DMZ and he told me that my English was "surprisingly really good" I felt so happy. Hiks. :")
Some random ps: The story of how I could get to Korea was almost surreal it sounds like ff. And some things that happened there are also ff materials.

That was my first and only time (as of now) leaving this country. And it makes me believe in fate and bizzare coincidences. Lol.
More random ps: I'd never met and interacted with foreigners until I was 15. What happened was, I and my friends went to a popular tourist destination in my hometown and I approached a foreigner to practice my English and I just said, "can I interview you?" to her. ARGH.
I wanna make another ps about how HUGE MISCOMMUNICATIONS HAPPENED when I talked with a girl from Uganda (an international student in my uni) because of the huge difference in our English accents but that would make this thread even longer and more irrelevant. Lol.
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