I am much more willing to write like a mofo in a private chat than on Twitter or anything public

Why? No clue myself, trying to talk myself out of it rn

Theoretically speaking, there's nothing to lose from writing in public. I use an Alt :P
On the inside tho, the standards are different. If it's in a public space, then we're dealing with public standards

Interesting as my thoughts may be, most of them are just aggregations of things I've read

My life is in no way unique enough to provide original insight
I find it easier & fairer to cite the source instead

OP has more detailed arguments. I may misremember or misunderstand. They might have adjacent works that people might be interested in

(& since I pirate what I read, this is me paying it back in a way)
Interesting to note the emphasis on originallity

I think tech has a major role in this. The easier it is to create copies, then the more important a creator is, their impact is multiplied

Scribes / copiers lose value
Writing in a private chat has a relatively immediate reward

You get engagement, feedback, see how the idea affects people, and get new ideas

Writing in public can have a greater reward. Made some lovely friends on here. I've also seen people get work & improve significantly
But the rewards of writing in public are much slower, which fucks with your brain

And fuck just liking stuff, that is positive reinforcement without any of the healthy stuff. If you like something, say so and make it clear exactly why you like it https://twitter.com/fvathynevgl/status/1253042304161583104?s=19
Then we have the issue of shared knowledge

Writing to a friend, it's clear what they know & not. If not, they'll just ask

Writing to the void isn't clear at all, y'all are formless

Blogs deal with this by linking to every relevant background post https://twitter.com/AbstractFairy/status/1289775852406767618?s=19
(Wrote about the variabillity of writing in public in this thread & deleted it. Turns out it's relevant lol)

Being online is a very variable experience. You have the heaven of meeting new friends & maybe becoming an important figure. But you also have the hell of cancel culture
I think *one factor* of this is the variabillity of the people you interact with online

- excellent ideas that you wouldn't otherwise get
- interdisciplinary works are better
- Egalitarian (in theory, not practice... to a degree basically)

- do people know what I'm talking about
- acciental conflicts due to different cultures and stuff

Maybe it could be good to have several kinds of content / platforms based on the degree of investment

Like how books have pop sci, academic, and cutting edge research...
I have no clue how limit it to upside variabillity. Not sure if possible

I think that the internet is already like this

Twitter being pop sci (depends on the account)

Blogs being refined academic books, & sometimes cutting edge research

Private chat being mostly edge research
Ok. I think that the quality of ideas in this thread is on the decline, so I'll stop it here

I'd love to hear your thoughts
(Meta self diss: writing about writing instead of just writing is procrastination)
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