This will be one of these posts in which I try to be as brutally honest as possible. By now I know that these are not the engagement catchers as a single thought-provoking tweet or a meme but this is what I like, so this is what I do.

A Thread:
It's regarding your daily life as a trader, the difficulties with it and how to cope with the huge burden you have to carry each day.

When I talk to the few on here who I actually trust that trading is their main or only source of income I always hear similar stories.
That might be the case because the profession Trading is especially interesting for a specific kind of human being.

One of the many personality traits these peoples have in common is an extreme will to publicly disregard their emotions.
Which is kinda interesting because from what I‘ve seen these people are, with the exception of trading markets, highly emotional people. Their confidence can break extremely fast when you really talk to them.
This might be the case because when you really look at what we‘re doing all day on a platform like Twitter or in private chats — 90% of it is bull crap. We talk to a lot of people, we talk to a lot of smart people, and we always try to keep up with the other party we speak to.
We talk about what we draw on the chart and talk about the next module that gets us closer to solving the market.

What we never talk about is that being a trader is a fuck ton of pain. There is no ego in trading. Trading destroy egos and it destroys it for good.
It‘s a reality that you as a trader can have an extremely good run, make what you thought would be a fortune in a time frame that is laughable and still feel like absolute shit about it.

It‘s reality, it‘s normal and yes it fucking sucks.
It‘s because Trading might be one of the loneliest professions you can choose. To come back to my 90% is bull crap estimation — It isn‘t like we don‘t have people to talk to, we have a lot. The problem is that we just don‘t really talk.
An example. When I had my first internship on a trading desk one of the many rules was:

You can only cry on the toilet. When you cry on the floor you're out. Period.

Let's say I had a hella lot of shits and I learned that this isn't because I'm new or a pussy. That's he norm.
In the end everyone was alone on his toilet seat.

So what I wanted to achieve with my small thread:

Yes mate, it‘s lonely. And it‘s okay that way. Don‘t fuck it up tho. Your pain might bring your next generation a lot of joy. Keep pushing.

Let‘s crush these markets mates.
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