If it wasn't for Becky Albertalli, I wouldn't have a career. A lot of us wouldn't.

If SIMON were never written, we wouldn't have one of the most impactful pieces of queer media of all time.

She made people care about, and invest REAL money into, the Community. Her community.
She is suffering right now, and suffering needlessly.

I'd like to think I don't follow anyone who'd send her vicious DM's, but if you have that urge--pls rethink your choices.

She's a real person with a real identity, that she felt she HAD to come out with. Don't erase that.
The queer OV discourse is something I've taken part in in the past, but the time for that is over. We must center the needs of readers and the autonomy of creators.

Write your heart. Write for kids who need these stories, who need guidance for what their lives are about to be.
In SYS, Connor's troubles begin when he's pressured to come out too soon.

These are consequences his boyfriend didn't intend, but nevertheless sent him toppling into a nightmare. We, as a community, have the power to stop that nightmare from happening to others. And we must.
If you are TRULY a supporter of queer OV, and not just concerned with harassing authors, then supporting OV is simple (HINT: it's not more discourse)

Lift up all queer books, as many as you can, not just the few you like. Read them all bc one day the queer books could be gone.
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