A thread of fun shark facts I have inside my head (but I will quickly google to make sure they are correct before posting them) because that one person made me so annoyed:
Death by shark attacks (unprovoked) are super rare! The average is 6 and only 4 people died in 2019. The rate has gone down for the kind of sad reason that sharks are dwindling in population size.
Once when I was 8 I had a meltdown over the fact that some sharks can never stop swimming or they will die, but this is not the case for all sharks! However, the concept still stresses me out and I simply cannot think about it for too long.
My favourite shark is the sevengill shark. Most sharks have five gills (these are the slits that allow most fish to “breathe” underwater) but sevengills are super extra and have seven. Also their name is very literal which I appreciate.
You probably think that The Great White Shark is the biggest shark but you are wrong. It is the Whale Shark. They eat small fish and do not give a fuck about humans, tbh. Unbothered.
There are sharks in the arctic called Greenland Sharks that we have calcium dated as being at *least 272 years old, and probably will live into their 500s.
On the absolute flip side of these, hammerhead sharks were recently discovered in an active volcano
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