A silly little thread for Graham Chapman, because the dude deserves all the appreciation in the world and um...yeah, I just love the dude, so let’s get the show on the road 😎
First off, I’d like to mention that these posts are purely things that I find to be cool about GC, meaning some of them may be for personal reasons, so I don’t expect everyone to connect with everything here. Also, I shall add to this thread over time, so it will be pinned.
I will start off by posting my all-time favorite photos of GC. Obviously, there are still more and more of his photos being discovered over time, but atm, these are the ones that I absolutely adore đŸ„ș
Runner-ups (coincidentally all b&w, which was *not* intended 😳):

The first time I saw GC was in the Argument Sketch in my geometry class when I was 14. At the time he looked like the face of 1960s England to me. Tbh, I like to think he would’ve appreciated that the first exposure to him was when he was expertly spewing abuse.
The next time I saw GC was in the “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” scene of “Life of Brian”; in AP Bio, someone would put on the clip on YT during labs so we could listen to it as we struggled to dissect dogfishes. Ngl the video made life as an AP Bio student a lot easier
At 17, I saw my first MP film (The Holy Grail) which I fell in love with. I was also absolutely astonished by GC’s acting; you could never recognize him whereas, if you saw the others, you knew who the actor was. He disappeared behind every character. Maybe it was the beard đŸ€”đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
After my first time watching MPATHG, I decided to actually do some research about GC. His sexuality was the first thing I learnt, which I was astonished by; I didn’t think someone back in the 1960s could be so open about being LGBTQ+ & it certainly made MP more diverse in my POV.
I almost forgot to mention that I also saw him in “The Magic Christian” back when I was 14 or 15 as well. It wasn’t until recently that I learned that though but I didn’t know him and, as I said, he had a tendency to disappear behind his characters for me so đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
The Flying Circus was in my Netflix List for awhile, but I didn’t watch it bc I knew I didn’t have time to enter a new fandom if I liked it. Then came COVID-19, & with it came an abundance of time. I’d smile or forcefully exhale at first, but this Pepperpot caused my first laugh:
I mean...this Pepperpot...she’s a masterpiece *chef’s kiss* This performance won me over in terms of who my favorite Python was, and yes, if you’re wondering, out of the entire sketch, this line was my absolute favorite :’)
I later learned that GC was, according to John Cleese, the Prince of Bad Taste. I grew up around tasteless humor & I always tried to hide or suppress it bc I care too much about what others think, so discovering this about my fav Python felt very comforting
PC: @JonTrevithick
A story I love where GC showed bad taste was an incident in his regular pub, The Angel Inn. GC had an unofficial table there, so when someone sitting there wouldn’t get up, he stirred their drink with his penis. It’s one of those stories where you shouldn’t be laughing & yet đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
What a guy :’)
Fun Fact: It took me three weeks after first watching this sketch to figure out that Graham Chapman meant “Fuck the penguin” when he said this đŸ‘‡đŸ»đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž
Obviously, I was not paying very close attention but I really do appreciate how he turned it into a running gag, especially in the next Pepperpot sketch #TheThesaurusIsYourBestFriend
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