Another Hot Take™️:

Open Baptism > Open Communion.

Extend the invitation to be baptized every time you gather. And if somebody takes you up on that, baptize them right there on the spot.

And then walk the newly baptized right up to the altar where they belong.
(Obviously this is mostly a moot point during a pandemic, but the principle still applies.)
ALSO! Be willing to go to great lengths to baptize people. If somebody who lived somewhere else asked me to baptize them, I would clear my calendar and haul down the highway to meet them. Outside of the pandemic, I would even board a plane to baptize somebody.
This is LITERALLY what Jesus tells us to do: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, & of the Son, & of the Holy Ghost: & teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. & surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
A related Hot Take™️, which I suspect will get me cancelled by some of y'all:

The altar rail is not the time to enforce baptism before communion. If somebody sticks out their hands at that rail, my clergy siblings, you had better place into those hands the Body & Blood of Jesus.
Exercise of the Disciplinary Rubric is okay, imo, but if somebody, even an unbaptized somebody, is moved by the Holy Spirit to present themselves for Communion, that is not the time for you to ask questions. Invite them for a dialogue later, but give them the ding dang Communion.
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