1/So, I just went through all my recent follows and I feel like I need to talk about something that I've never directly addressed on here.

I hate Trump, he is an actual fascist who would authorize murder of trans people if it would benefit him, but I also hate the DNC.
2/I welcome the new follows and want to be able to expose you to new perspectives, but I've not followed many of you back because I don't want my feed flooded with Biden-Harris propaganda. If you'd like to know why, keep reading. Otherwise, feel free to unfollow me.
3/A few things I need to get out of the way first: I'm left of Bernie, and "blue no matter who" is a terrible, corrosive ideology which I will never support. Biden-Harris, as a platform, would be considered far-right in most any other country.
4/I will be voting for them in November *only* because I live in the swingiest of swing states (FL), and again, Trump is a literal fascist who will completely seed the federal courts with far-right judges if he is given the opportunity (please hold on, RBG 🙏).
5/However, I am also not ever going to tell marginalized people that they *have* to vote or *who* they have to vote for, especially when Biden-Harris is who they would "have to be" be voting for. And if you're curious why so many marginalized folks are loathe to support a...
6/Biden-Harris presidency, you really should take the time to a) listen to marginalized voices, b) read more on the history of electoralism in this country, and c) research Biden-Harris' platform and their own individual records.
7/Biden supported segregation, cuts to social security, anti-abortion legislation, NAFTA, Wall Street bailouts, the Iraq War. He/Obama ran on a platform that opposed marriage equality, and they oversaw continued war in the Middle East and expanded drone strikes far beyond Bush.
8/He is also suuuuper creepy towards women. He and Trump share that quality

Harris has had her moments, but she has also run repeatedly on a "tough on crime" platform that has played right into police violence, the War on Drugs, and America's abhorrent mass incarceration system.
9/Both have a record of transphobia that only changed when it became politically convenient to do so. And they do not support M4A.

Biden, right up until he received the nom, ran entirely on a platform of "I was Obama's VP" and "I can beat Trump."

Hating Trump isn't a platform.
10/And for that matter, calling him an "orange shitgibbon" or whatever else does nothing to further any real goal. Neither does calling his supporters "Trumt*rds." How can you possibly claim to support marginalized people while using ableist language like that?
11/Biden offered nothing but received the nom because he was favored by corporate Dems. That Biden has the DNC nomination is proof that "democracy" under capitalism is an illusion that those with wealth depend on to maintain their positions of privilege.
12/Voting "blue no matter who" plays directly into allowing such people to continue to consolidate their power and influence. They shove candidates down our throats, candidates who will only push the scantest amount of reform to placate enough people to maintain their support.
13/Four more years of Trump will be disastrous for most Americans, especially marginalized ones, and I lose sleep every single night worrying about it. But that doesn't mean we should zealously push Biden-Harris propaganda and overlook their many, many flaws.
14/If we do not hold them and the DNC responsible for their many, many crimes against humanity (less though they may be than Trump/the GOP), then nothing will ever get better, not even for the marginalized people who stand to lose most from four more years of Trump.
15/Nothing will *ever* "go back to normal." There is no "normal" to go back to. Trump is a symptom of how horribly messed-up our country is, not a cause of it. And if you see pre-Trump America as some sort of utopia, you can thank the rose-tinted glasses of extreme privilege.
16/I hope that this has made some of you super uncomfortable, and that your response to that is not to angrily unfollow me/other leftists, but to actually take a moment to consider *why* I have the position towards Biden-Harris I have.

But I also won't cry if you unfollow, lol
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