Women opt for comfort and certainty, rather than discomfort and risk. They don't need to work as hard as men to succeed in life, so they don't.

It is for this reason they are on the whole, less accomplished and less competent than men.

Valuing safety means choosing mediocrity.
And by comparison to men, oh indeed are they mediocre.

It is for this reason they must overstate and overvalue their sex, for this is their only monopoly and leverage over man.

That is to say, women don't try to be great, they find a man who is, then dangle sex to profit.
Men view the world through a lens of competence, women through a lens of vanity, and sexual attractiveness.

Men define their worth based on usefulness, women define their worth based on how pretty they are. And they have to. Because when they play the competence game, they lose.
Isn't it better to seek comfort over discomfort? What's wrong with avoiding discomfort?

Growth requires discomfort. Leaving your comfort zone. Confronting your fears. Doing what it takes to improve, being willing to feel bad.

Woman's love of comfort is what makes them cowards.
They have an entitlement to provision, and so they are somewhat self-important.

They value themselves based on their beauty rather than their utility, so they are not very helpful.

They take fewer risks so they achieve less, and they avoid discomfort so they're more immature.
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