reasons as to why i’m scared of some of y’all

they use so much sarcasm and i often cannot understand when they are serious or not. no matter how hard i try i can never know if they like me or if they wish me the worst. they probably could kick my ass irl
although now they are well fed they went through the worst drought this fandom ever experienced and that makes them the toughest. if they see that u do not appreciate hyuka as much as it’s needed they will go full out on you. they fear nothing
the lack of beomgyu affects their nerves. i would not engage in a fight with them if gyu has not posted in the last three days. they are slowly becoming more delulu and there is no limit to what they can do
memes are their self defense mechanism. a good meme hurts more that a thousand words. they’d take a bullet for him. if they survived blonde yeonjun rapping to puma they can survive anything
one word: fancams. i’m constantly attacked while looking at my replies. they have a never ending supply of soobin pics and they will spam them wherever. u can never know when they are about to attack u with soobin. im constantly watching out for them
they change their layouts and @ so many times a week u never recognize them. they are a mystery. they adapt. if they are feeling like soobder they will attack like soobders. if beomgyu has posted they will become gyu stans. you just never know what u are up against
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