I mean I get that some of you live in butt-fuck nowhere in the Bible Belt but I just grew up in San Francisco where the reaction to someone coming out as LGBTQ was always A) we don't care and B) We already knew. I quite frankly do not care that someone is gay. I totally get where
those two guys (One of whom was bi, but still homophobic apparently. Go figure.) are coming from. Of all the LGBTQ people I know in real life I don't think any come close to showing the complete fanaticism about their own sexuality or gender that is displayed on both TTTE Twitter
and the internet at large. Fanaticism about ANYTHING is pretty cringe in and of itself. But unlike in the San Franciscan environment where coming out gets you absolutely zero clout, on the internet it gets you tons of brownie points. It's not brave to come out on the internet.
I forgot where I was going with this thread but as I try to remember I wanna go on a tangent. I don't really pay attention to coming out posts and thus approx. 0% of my memory is dedicated to keeping track of who's gay or not, but despite that I've noticed that some people have
made "coming out" tweets like 8 times in this fandom. That's mega cringe. Like I get that you can change your mind between being gay and bi but if you change your mind every 5 weeks you probably shouldn't make a big deal out of it when you do.
If any of you people who do this are reading this, and I ask this 100% unironically, I'd love for someone to write a long thread explaining the mindset of not being able to decide whether they're attracted to girls or not. Better yet, write a book where the main character has
your experiences. I keep hearing "well you cishets wouldn't understand" but no one attempts to explain this concept. I'm fascinated by this idea but no one will help me wrap my head around not being able to figure out if you're attracted to someone or not.
Ah. Caught my train of thought again. If you think the peak of homophobia in this fandom is a bisexual guy thinking it's annoying to spam his timeline with gay flags than MAYBE that's a sign that there's not a lot of homophobia in the fandom.
I know that people will inevitably get mad at this post which KIND OF proves the above point. If the San Franciscan who worked at an LGBTQ synagogue and likes that LGBTQ adopt more kids per capita is the most homophobic guy in the fandom, I'll gladly take that L.
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