Minnesota, Wisconsin -- I'm living here, too. Why are we letting him play us? Do NOT get pulled in by his manufactured theatrics and lies. Trump has been a liar and con artist his whole career. https://twitter.com/latimes/status/1302651528357072897
We know, for example, in Minnesota that people across the Metro filled parking lots with donated food and personal items to support ]communities directly affected by the riots (note I'm separating overnight riots from protests -- protests were largely peaceful and during the day)
And we also know from arrests and reports that have emerged since that outsiders came into the Twin Cities to cause destruction to community businesses and police precincts, etc. We know that local artists have rallied to encourage hope and remind us of common connections.
We know that white supremacist biker gang members from OUTSIDE Stillwater tormented peaceful diners and that LOCAL white youth stood up against the bullies, putting their own bodies between those who aimed to create division and POC who were minding their own business.
I know that neighbors on my street all came together for driveway listening, that there's local activism and action to support POC in many different ways -- and, yes, there's more work to do, and we can't pat ourselves on the back for only taking baby steps. Don't believe Trump.
Also 🔑🔑🔑 to consider 👇 https://twitter.com/RonBrownstein/status/1302681368569114624
I'll be honest -- I can't even read the LA Times article that starts this thread because it's behind a paywall. I keep two digital news subscriptions, but can't subscribe to everything. That said, I'm dubious, as a prior CA resident who has seen how West Coast reporting portrays
the Midwest. There's arrogance, an undercurrent of disdain for "flyover country." California has a chip on its shoulder re: East Coast news dominance, and I understand that the trend is not great because the rest of the country experiences it, too. I also get that CA catches
a lot of unmerited flak from States that willfully ignore the extent to which CA innovation and tax base supports Red States (those w.o State income tax and disproportionately receive more Federal tax support relative to others). But West Coast media does CA no favors with the
aforementioned approach to reporting on other regions of the country. Honestly, it only exacerbates the us v. them divisive mentality vs. aiming to build understanding and identify ways to bridge related gaps.
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