Many people still believe that the reality of Brexit will change Leavers' minds. Has nothing been learned? Leave voters have changed their opinions to fit every broken promise. They're not interested in truth or facts. They're interested in winning.
The error many people make is thinking that everyone reasons along the lines of rational individual self-interest. That is naive. There is a wholly different and entirely natural way of social and political thinking, and that is tribal psychology.
Humans evolved as tribal animals. Tribalism psychology is a very natural human disposition, especially when people feel under social and economic pressure. They seek security and protection in the tribe.
As things stand in our atomised and fragmented society the only available tribe for many people is the nation. As with other basic human social affiliations, identification with a tribe is emotional.
The key tribal values are very different from those of rational individualism. When the tribe is under threat they are loyalty, unity, control of membership, and self-sacrifice. Brexit politicians and media have ruthlessly manipulated them.
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