My unpopular opinion is that “White guilt” isn’t responsible for that lady living out her Tropic Thunder fantasies. The issue here is that a YT woman cosplaying as a Black woman gives her the authority to ~definitively~ speak over other Black people. Mainly Black women.
This isn’t to say that YT women don’t speak over us anyway, in the wild, as they are. They do! Eagerly. But in the wild, they will be called out for being in Black peoples’ business. But as a cosplayer?
They escape the scrutiny because any genuine inquiry into their cosplay will be written off as questioning their Blackness. Which has everything to do with how you lot discuss colorism and fetishism.
TL;DR: They aren’t special as YT women. But they ARE special as YT women who are pretending to be Black women who are pretending to hate Whitenesss who are pretending to be “woke” 🥴
Like do you know the hard-on it would give ANY YT to be able to talk down on us about our own respective cultures, tell us we’re wrong, and not face ANY type of pushback because they’re “Black”? Lmao girl
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