thread about the inventions created by Iraq/is 🇮🇶
Hydraulic Engineering: the Sumerian’s figured out how to and channel the overflowing of the Euphrates & Tigris rivers & the rich stilt that it contained.
- They designed complex systems of canals with dams construed of reeds, palm trunks & mud whose gates could be opened or closed to regulate the flow of water.
Robots: In the 900s, Muslim scientists ignited the medieval imagination and laid the groundwork for automation, hydraulic machines, and robotics. Three brothers known as the Banu Musa authored “The Book of Ingenious Devices.
Algebra: A Muslim emperor once charged Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi with proving the existence of God through mathematics. He developed the revolutionary concept of algebra in response. Named after the Arabic word for “reintegration.”
Writing: Sumerians, former residents of what is now Iraq, invented the first written language over 5,000 years ago. The language, known as cuneiform, remained indecipherable until the 1800s, when Iraqi explorers and European scholars cracked the code and read the language.
Perfume: Yaqub Al-Kindi, born in the Iraqi city of Najaf, is known as the father of perfume and the author of over 260 publications on geometry, optics, philosophy, music theory, astronomy, and chemistry. The products were made possible by his revolutionary advances in -
distillation and now-elementary chemistry techniques.
Paediatrics: The physician Muhammad Al Razi is credited with a wide variety of medical breakthroughs, including pediatrics. His book “Diseases of Children” was the first to treat pediatrics as an independent field of medicine. He was the first to differentiate smallpox -
and measles as separate diseases.
First written law: The first written code of law was written in Mesopotamia (which is Iraq now) by sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi. Babylonia(البابليه) was a  Kingdom in Mesopotamia when Hammurabi became its ruler in about 1728 BC.
Boats as a way of transportation: Transportation by land was exhausting  and needed an enormous amount of time. Sumerians realized that transportation via sea would be much easier and more convenient. The first boat was invented in 1300 B.C. and used as a way of transportation in
rivers. It was initially used to cross the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for fishing and to explore other areas.
Maps: The oldest map was invented in Babylonia (البابليه) around 2300 B.C. The clay map which was invented in Mesopotamia illustrates the Akkadian region of Mesopotamia which was mostly used as a hunting ground map, a city map, and a trade route.
Urbanisation: Often known as the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia developed the concept of urbanisation. For the first time in a history, humans started to settle in a specific place. The surplus of food made it possible to feed more people and animals living in the same place
- People learned to trade, and the concept of taxes emerged and the city developed itself more and more.
Time: Mesopotamians developed the concept of time, dividing time units into 60 parts, which eventually lead to 60-second, 60-minutes, and hour. The Babylonians made an astronomical calculation in the base 60 system inherited by Sumeriansالسومريون. The number 60 was chosen because
it was easily divisible by six.
Astrology: The concept of Astrology was developed during the Sumerian period, where even everyday incidents had a spiritual meaning. It was believed that every good and bad thing happened for a reason.
Maths: Sumerians were the first people on earth to develop the concept of counting. They also developed the sexagesimal, or base 60. The sexagesimal helped to develop concepts like the 360-degree circle and the 12-month year. They used 12 knuckles to count on one hand, and
another five fingers on the other hand. The Babylonians used base 6 (our modern system uses base 10), where digits on the left column represent large values.
They also invented the chariot, the plow, textile mills, metallurgy, mass produced pottery as well as mass produced bricks.
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