This is truly fucking disgusting. I just said a few days ago how creators do shit for free and getting negative feedback from it is already dejecting, BUT ACTIVELY TARGETING SOMEONE by mass disliking and commenting is even worse. I don't know how you go about your day doing this.
Imagine spending most of your day actively targeting people, tweeting ageist attacks, saying someone is homophobic/racist/etc WHEN THEY'RE NOT. Have you looked at yourself??? Who's the one getting suspended? It's clearly not us.
The lengths to how you actively attack our particular group truly fucking disgust me. I hope that in a few years you look back on your tweets and be remorseful of your actions because it sure as hell is revolting to see right now.
I'm pretty sure some of you follow me -- idk if you realize I'm an "oldie" bc I am friends and mutuals with the ppl some of you constantly dogpile on, but if you have a heart and know that this is way out of line, PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Because doing this shit is way too far.
You can follow @bunnykaye30.
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