So, unwanted Dick picks.
They’re a thing.
You open your inbox, and find that some creep has decided that he wants to show you his substandard peen without consent.
But, here’s how to handle it.
Play dress up.
Make that weiner into a work of art.
These aren’t mad photoshop skills, I use an app called pics play and just add stickers.
You can even add a message! From you or from the lil pecker itself!
And send it back.
Guys who do this don’t seem to care when it’s your consent being violated, but they aren’t fans of their dick suddenly looking like a muppet without consent. Funny how that works.
If you have actual photoshop skills, you could always photoshop a picture of their own face onto it, with a word bubble that says “come on Walter, this is disappointing.”

Or for the OSINT folks- a pic of their mothers face should be something they can’t unsee
You can follow @BadassBowden.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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