is anyone else weird abt certain tropes being mentioned in a book's cover copy? like you love it when it happens but if the cover copy alludes to it for some reason it's fucking annoying? i'm not like this w some things but like

found family is definitely this one for me lol
any scifi that references Firefly or comps to it tends to annoy me so maybe that's why because i know that's the implication and I'm like no thanks
BUT then you give me weirdo shit like the Radch books giving you a big found family of imperial clones, AI ships, and shitty addicts and it's like ah chef kiss
would definitely read more "adventure scifi" if it didn't get so many Firefly comps or immediately sound like island of misfit space folks
I trend more broad political scifi anyways so I'm not pre-disposed to really enjoy that whole sub-genre anyways BUT SOMETIMES I FIND A GEM

am currently trying to decide if I want to read something from Winter 2021 is why this thread
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