New interview with Angelo Assumpção about the racism he had (and still has) to endure as a black gymnast in a white sport... Reminded me of the whole Gabby Douglas and the hair debacle... 💔
He’s unemployed after being dismissed by his club, Pinheiros, after reporting the racism he suffered in multiple occasions.
Nothing happened with the racists, including Arthur Nory, who’s only now, 5 years later, publicly talking about that infamous video...
He talks about battling severe depression, and that he is currently training at home to try and stay in shape in the hopes of finding a new club soon enough, even if that means he needs to leave Brazil.
He also mentions Daiane dos Santos being his role model as the first black Brazilian gymnast to become a world champion, even though he says she is not as vocal about the racism in the sport (he doesn’t see it as a problem, stating that every black person has their own way +...
... of dealing with racism).

It’s worth mentioning Pinheiros is a rich, mostly white sports club in São Paulo, and Angelo is not the first (and certainly not the last) black athlete or employee to suffer racism there.

Pinheiros just released a quite ridiculous statement +...
... saying that, while they don’t condone with racism, they investigated Angelo’s claims and did not consider any of his allegations to be racism (who investigated them?? the white folks who run the club? Really? And they decided it is not racism?? Hmmm...)
So, my gymternet followers (you are not many, lol)... I tried to summarize Angelo’s interview in this thread... what do you think about it?
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