1. This is a thread about the #GenderWooWoo that has been on the last years. Its about how it has impacted children, esp. girls, and women, developing into a #WarOnWomen And how my country Norway has come to take leading role in this war.
2. For many, Norway stands as a symbol of equality between the sexes. True, Norway was a pioneer when it came to secure women's sex based rights, namely throug Law of equality between the sexes and through securing women's right to abortion.
3. In the course of only few years, the base for these rights have been erased due to successful lobbying by small but powerful minority groups. The strategies are well known as they are described in detail by the group's international network IGLYO. https://www.iglyo.com/only-adults/ 
4. The IGLYO lobby manual describes Norway no. 1 of "best pratice" countries. One of the trans lobby's goals is to "trans" children as early as possible. Here, Norway stands out as an example, as no other country let children down to six years change their gender.
5. Another reason for Norway's promin. role in the manual is the strategies that were used to lobby through the self identity law #selvIDlov. One was to veil the law prop. behind more popular reforms. Few knew about self identity, fewer supported it. Same sex marriage, however:
6. One of the strategies recommended in the manual is to keep the public, the population, i.e. the democracy out of the process of getting through the self identity law: No exposure in the media!
7. In Norway, the strategy was also to target youth politicians in every party (we have many), making the claim of self identity for youths appear a youngish grassroot thing.
8. The manual was paid by Reuters Foundation and Law firm Dentons.
From Norway, the contrubutors were Law firm Vaar advokat AS og Skeiv Ungdom, the youth organisation of @FRI_HET , the Norwegian sister organisation og @stonewalluk
9. The self identity law was rushed through in shortes possible time. No women's organisation were heard, as it was sold in as a solution to a health problem. The oldest organization for pple with sex dysphoria i Norw. @hbrs_info did not support the law.
10. Within weeks after the self identity law was through in 2016, a woman was reported to the police for "discrimination", as she had asked a biological man to leave the women's wardrobe in a public swimming hall.
11. Since then, I know of one article written on the consequences of this law, by professor of law Marit Halvorsen. I am told she has no whish to go further with the issue of self ID due to harassment from TRA.
#WarOnWomen https://www.jus.uio.no/forskning/omrader/verdi/aktuelle-saker/20182811-halvorsen-juridisk-kjonn-artikkel.html
12. Our gay health minister @BentHHoyre shows no interest in evaluating the law, that according to Halvorsen was badly prepared and has generated serious problems for women and transgender pple alike.
13. @BentHHoyre instead released new, liberal directions for med. treatment for children with gender dysphoria. No psychiatric consultation needed! The health institute @Folkehelseinst as well as @legeforeningen @hbrs_info and others have critizised the dir. for being "unlawful"
14. Høie finds that the self ID law should not be "up for debate". When the rights of women are raised, he says that they are not as important as the worlds most vulnerable and discriminated group.
15. That not only the Norwegian Government, but also the Parliament stand behind the decision not debating the #selvIDlov appears from the newly suggested amendment in our #hatespeechact : If @Regjeringen gets its way, "gender expression" will be included in the protected groups.
16. Now, the concept of "gender expression" is of course nothing else than a group of gender stereotypes. You know, the kind of stereotypes that have been used to keep women down for centuries.
#strl185 @Monica_Facts
17. Therefore, how can it not be insulting to women to see "gender expression" being protected against hate speech in the law? For every woman, gender stereotypes is exactly what should be hated, combated and done away with!
Not so according to Norwegian pliticians.
18. Instead, critizising "gender expression" will now be a criminal act, punishable with up to three years prison. #strl185
Which of course means, critizising the selv identity law #selvIDlov will be criminalized as well.
Why is that?
19. The reason is that at the core of the concept of "gender expression" lies the dogma Trans Women are Women #TWAW This is what the whole hate speech act is about.
20. The hate speech act is about not "misgendering" men who feel they are women inside. Bc there is nothing more "hateful" than misgendering, according to TRA.
In fact, #TWAW is the core of all laws and infrastructural amenments labeled #transrights
21. So, if the Parliament actually includes "gender expression" into the hate speech act, it is the last nail in the coffin of women's right to claim tha a woman is a human adult female.
22. From then on, deabting conflicts between the new "trans rights" and womens sex based rights (as stated int the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, ratified by Norway) can be criminalized.

23. So, forcing through #strl185 in the Parliament, will be the last phase the #WarOnWomen in Norway. Until another phase comes along of course. By then, Norwegian women will be better prepared. @Monica_Facts
#WarOnWomen #WomenSupportingWomen
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