before you publically call out someone ask yourself "do I want them to genuinely change or do I want them to be bombarded with hate and spam and see their mental health sabotaged" because there's a very clear distinction between callouts to inform and callouts to destroy
like if someone fucks up and people are replying with stuff like "hey you fucked up because x y and z" "that's a bad thing to say and you're doing something dangerous" that's a genuine attempt to educate

and then there's fancam spamming and "googoo gaga peepee poopoo"
also spamming shit like "do u fart" isnt quirky or funny, really. it's just fucking weird and if 30 people are doing it at the same time, you can't claim "they're too sensitive that's not bullying lmao". intention matters more than how stupid it sounds.
if it causes distress and discomfort to a person and it's happening multiple times, it's harassment. no matter how hard you try and gaslight it as "we're just spamming stupid shit lol", you're doing it out of malice and want someone to feel uncomfortable.
In my case I literally havent had a single callout where people DMed me or replied to tell me "you're wrong bc x y and z" it was literally all just qrts with "ur gross and nasty" and horror fancams describing murder in graphic detail lmao thank god that trend ended
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