@HamzaNamira @ChrisStephens @johnpringdns This weekend is the final straw. My experience of public transport and shopping post lockdown easing beggars belief. I have limited mobility. No car mainly as a result of a poor PIP outcome. So I am subject to the new little Hitlers
Taxi drivers refuse me a ride and insist I use the rear seat. Which I can't. Bus drivers insist I use a seat which I can't because they are too low. Some let me sit behind the cab on the high seat. Some don't. Another refused to allow my shopping bag in the luggage rack.
For a 2 stop journey! During lockdown I could not get a delivery from @AsdaServiceTeam and had to visit the local corner shop everyday to buy expensive and limited groceries. Now I do get a delivery the drivers appear without masks. Some will put it in the kitchen others refuse.
One even told me he did not believe in masks. Whilst refusing to take the shopping beyond the door for concern for his kids. In the local Coop and my corner shop many walk around without masks. At least 80% is my lived experience.
The corner shop has a limit of 3 people. Often it exceeds 5 or 6. Non mask wearers are not challenged. During the lockdown only 2 of my circle offered help that never materialised. None of my 5 neighbours asked after me throughout.
At the beginning of the lockdown I asked my community links officer embedded in the health centre as to priority shopping delivery. I never heard back. Much of this could have been avoided but for the PIP assessment that even after tribunal did not award me enough points to
Have a mobility vehicle. Such is the dreadful assessment matrix which does it's best to choke off demand. Despite the increased costs I have had I'm on ESA & PIP and unlike those on UC I have had no pandemic related increase. Both of my hips need replacement.
In January I was referred again. On recent inquiry my GP tells me it has moved from 6 months in 2016, to 9 months prior to COVID to a 12 month waiting time to see an orthopaedic consultant! Why is this acceptable @NicolaSturgeon ? Including rehab time I will not
Be mobile for at least another 2 years. Having worked, almost without any period of unemployment, for 35 years and for much of that a high rate tax payer I feel short changed on the bargain I made with the state.
My next door neighbour with similar mobility issues lives with his able bodied wife and has a mobility vehicle. I don't think he has done a days work in at least 15 years. Why am I being treated differently?
Finally the greatest disappointment is that 3 of my 5 kids made no contact with me during the lockdown. Without Netflix and social media I think I would have gone nuts as a result of the confinement.
What sense is there in paying me ESA and PIP for years simply because the NHS is not providingsufficient capacity for joint replacement. Even more galling is to be told by a recent arrival from Africa that the NHS funded his hip op in a private hospital.
Finally I have had no proactive contact from my GP which astounds me considering my mental health track record. Am I the only disabled person with these experiences. I think not.
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