Wow, 3 years. That is astounding and I am sure that wall taught you enough to make argument that supports your libertarian beliefs.

I guess you missed the whole cease to cherish opinions part.
The god damned cato institute.
The appropriation is nearly complete.
"But the Dalai Lama isn't an economist and, from looking at what he's had to say on the matter, it's clear that his understanding of economics isn't deep."

I am have ABD in economics and a deep understanding.

Here is my advice.
Buddhism is the art of the realization and understanding of mind.

It has absolutely nothing to to with economics or politics or political economy

In that your realization if obtained has an effect on "this life" this life has no inherit meaning.
Life is precious and has meaning but "this life" does not.

Buddhism that takes the path of trying to apply "values" to this micro life of household or macro of society is a perversion of the Dharma.

Pick one
Work for the realization of your own mind, or a promotion of ideology
It is impossible to promote an ideology for income and or attention and understand the nature of mind.

They are mutually exclusive. One is a poison and the other the antidote.
We seek the mind of equanimity

What HHDL is saying if more people were near that mind state, we would trend towards socialism, a more communal ownership of life's necessities so worldly needs of life are more equal.

This is the correct view.
But is an answer to an irrelevant question.

Because I have realized the nature of mind, the social constructs around me have no meaning. If anything they are a constant poison that corrupts the purity of mind on a moment to moment basis.

This thread, is a poison.
You mistake the poison of you ideology for the antidote.

The disease of the intellect.

You don't think your way to realization. It is impossible.

You experience your way, with others that have achieved. There are many many ways but yours ain't it.
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