that tag match had incredible storytelling, starting with angry hangman who just wanted to get at ftr, to kenny coming in telling him to chill and to not let them get in his head bc he's worried ab hangman getting manipulated again, to then hangman saying "trust me.. trust me"
this then proceeded into hangman and kenny being more on the same page than ever with the best chemistry they've had in a while, completely destroying ftr with their tag team moves together. also high fiving eachother :)
until they went for the last call and kenny accidentally got hangman. hangman lying dead in the ring, kenny knowing he messed up and that he was the one to ruin it instead of hangman like he thought it would be.
kenny pulling hangman's tassles desperately trying to bring him back to reality but hangman's knocked out and kenny knows this is the end, and it was.

ftr take their tag belts and go, leaving hangman and kenny in the ring together.
kenny so angry and upset knowing that he's the one who caused the loss wants to let out his anger, but he knows he can't even beat up hangman for this because it wasn't his fault. hangman did everything right.
hangman walks over to kenny in the ring, happy that they're on the same page (unknown to kenny teasing beating him up) and that he feels like he has someone he can trust again - after all they had great teamwork in the ring.
a very injured hangman walks over to kenny looking for reassurance and friendship, but kenny lets him fall flat on his face and leaves him there. hangman's broken knowing this is it and he actually has no one with him now. atleast before he was stuck with kenny bc of the belts :(
kenny's annoyed and angry at himself and runs off backstage saying this is it he's looking for a clean break and that it's time for a change. kenny's insecurities have heightened and taken the better of him, he knows that if he was the cleaner, they wouldn't have lost that match.
kenny and hangman are both two very broken men with nothing holding them together anymore. they're both by themselves and the youngbucks didn't even go with kenny as he probably thought they would.

it's time for a whole new era
solo cowboy shit vs the cleaner 2.0
this storyline will go down as one of the greatest storylines in wrestling history, it's so much more than just wins and losses. it touches on friendship, betrayal, insecurities, alcoholism, imposter syndrome, multiple personalities and so much more
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