As usual, non-academic rants from Apus. This thread will demolish your beloved fables using mostly non-Muslim historians & academics.

Bismillah. https://twitter.com/ApostateProphet/status/1302430821035503618
"It is now apparent that conversion by force, while not unknown in Muslim countries, was, in fact, rare ... most conversions to Islam were voluntary"
- Ira M. Lapidus (Prof. of Islamic History at Berkeley)
"Conversion to Islam didn't necessarily imply a complete turning from an old to a totally new life. While it entailed acceptance of new religious beliefs & membership in new religious community, most converts ...
... retained a deep attachment to their previous cultures & communities."
- Ira M. Lapidus (Prof. of Islamic History at Berkeley)
"In general they were not forced to convert, but they suffered from restrictions. They paid a special tax; they were not supposed to wear certain colors; they could not marry Muslim women."
- Albert Hourani (British Historian)
"Under Muslim rule, the Jewish and Christian population of Jerusalem in this period enjoyed the usual tolerance given to non-Muslim theists."
- Jerusalem. Catholic Encyclopedia. 1910
"Under Muslim rule, the Jewish and Christian population of Jerusalem in this period enjoyed the usual tolerance given to non-Muslim theists"
Is also found in 👇
The Jew in the Medieval World: A Source Book, 315-1791 (Revised ed.). Hebrew Union College Press. pp. 13–15
"History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islaam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most ...
... fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever accepted."
- De Lacy Evans O'Leary (British Orientalist) in Islaam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p. 8 https://twitter.com/Rohaaan45/status/1265755900238757889?s=20
"To begin with, there was no forced conversion, no choice between 'Islam and the sword.' Islamic law, following a clear Quranic principle, prohibited any such thing: dhimmis must be allowed to practice...
... their religion. When Muslim armies encountered non-Muslims outside the lands already under the rule of Islam, they were supposed to offer them the choice of conversion to Islam; payment of jizya and acceptance of dhimmi status; or trying the fortunes of war. If the...
... adversaries chose the last of these three and then lost, they faced expropriation, slavery, or even death. Even then, however, they must not be converted forcibly."
- Michael Bonner (Prof. of Islamic History at the University of Michigan) in Jihad Islamic History
8/ https://twitter.com/_Halaby/status/1296490552318468097?s=20
The next tweets demolish the "MuZZiEz oPPreSSeD dhImmIeZ by JiZyA" 👇
1/ https://twitter.com/_Halaby/status/1210531616138891265?s=20
2/ https://twitter.com/_Halaby/status/1210536044703232005?s=20
3/ https://twitter.com/_Halaby/status/1301139199161176070?s=20
Ibn Taymiya negotiating for the release of Dhimmi prisoners of war. https://twitter.com/_Halaby/status/1300772008255520769?s=20
Thomas Arnold's book "Preaching of Islam".
Finally, the most efficient genocidal maniacs in history have been secularists & atheists, like Apus!

Any shame?
OK !!!
Muslims were an extreme minority for many centuries in the areas they controlled. The population wasn't even 50% Muslim until centuries after the initial Muslim conquest.

See the numbers here 👇 https://twitter.com/_Halaby/status/1275781166394757125?s=20
Look at that ... Apus is finally embracing his Apustasy 😆

Apustasy (stole it from @grayskull2182)
For a more detailed discussion about Jizya, check @FullmetalTheist's discussion with me on the david wood's lies about the topic
You can follow @_Halaby.
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