Dead lol Trump is douche but this is pretty embarresing for Joe. Homeboy can’t even seem to answer questions from the press without freezing or falling apart. It’s been 4 years of president Tweet vomit but I can’t say he hasn’t gotten shit done and people seem more free than ever
Protests all over the place , riots being given the gentle treatment. Try this in Iraq. We have a black woman running for the second highest seat in the country (originally for the first before dropping out) Black female mayors , police chiefs, and a US Attorny General
4 new state’s with Black Attorny Genrals, All under the orange carnival barkers presidency. Somehow the systemic racism is at an all time high ? I’m just confused at this point with that narrative. It seems like a manipulation tactic
Its sad to see the left painting the “black community” as some sort of helpless collective of people in need of Joe Biden’s assistance. They are not a separate community in my mind, and not weak and helpless at all. We are in this life together.
Life is hard for many. Yeah some are given things but for the other 99% of the population we all have to fight for our place in this world. The biggest danger is placing that responsibility on the government. When you start to ask for more you wind up giving up freedom
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