Donald Trump is “other.” He’s not like most humans — he’s conscienceless. He’s damaged, defective, compromised. Who do these insecurities and feelings of worthlessness get projected onto? Others. People who are not him by gender or skin color.
His misogyny, his racism, and his xenophobia can be explained by his defense against being a conscienceless other. He externalizes or projects his unwanted defectiveness onto others who are different or “other.”
Trump treats women, people of color and foreigners as compromised, worthless, defective and dangerous. All the things that are true about his conscienceless being. All his fears, insecurities and obsessions about his own otherness become irrational feelings about “others.”
Trump couldn’t tolerate when an “other” like Obama got the celebrity status, power and control Trump’s narcissism craves. The way Trump could defend against the narcissistic injury of Obama’s Presidency, competency and humanity was to make Obama not American, not of here. Fired./
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