Veganism:the idea of abstaining from using animal products, in any way/form. An ideology involving not eating animal food but isn't restricted to it. Veganism may look like a morally superior ideology but tbf it's more than it.
(Read till the end to know why)
There are primarily two reasons to go vegan: 1. Reduce their carbon footprint(called a plant based life, generally) 2. Killing of animals being morally wrong.(the notion of veganism).
Some don't want to turn vegan for health reasons &it's ok ig but here I'm talking to those who are simply using ableism &casteism as an excuse for their lack on self control. To the hypocrites who will condemn POC for their cultures all the while themselves munching on chicken.
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism yes but there are ways in which individuals can make their own consumption more ethical, this-
1. makes u feel better about yourself
2. helps u play less into consumerism as a whole
Dietary choices shouldn't be policed but we should consciously try making more sustainable choices.
I'll give an example: most non vegans say almond milk isn't a replacement bcs it's not sustainable, well that's simply conjecture, I'll tell you how-
The US average GWP (global warming potential) for dairy milk is 4.5 times the size of the GWP for almond milk. The carbon impact of almond milk (0.36 kg/l) milk is also smaller as compared to whole dairy milk (1.6kg/l).
While almond milk does have a larger water footprint as compared to dairy milk, that's not the only thing we need to consider: choosing from brands adopting sustainable methods of raising cattle or that using agroecological methods of irrigating water into almond crops+
is a way of helping reduce the impacts of almond milk. Also ask brands to show better proof of their CSR strategies along with their CSR reports and impacts. My point being, when it comes to sustainable consumption, the reality is complex& there are many variables to consider.
Modern day veganism has bifurcated into two types:
1. White Veganism
2. Intersectional Veganism.
1. White Veganism: Defending animals rights to establish a moral high ground &superiority bcs of dietary choices, all the while mocking POC &global south for their cultures/practices is racist &implies white vegans are at the center of morality when we all know that they aren't.
2. Intersectional Veganism on the other hand means that you acknowledge that oppression is multi-pronged and to dismantle it we have to attack it at its root. This means veganism would have to fight too against racism, sexism, ableism, and the other “isms”.
Intersectional veganism can be actively brought to the limelight through ecofeminism: “the belief that there are important connections between how women, people of colour and subclasses are treated, on the one hand, and how the nonhuman natural environment is, on the other”
Intersectional veganism is a very old yet not so popular ideology only because of the white washing of veganism over the years, it's our duty to break that cycle. Please read up on it and understand why it's important.
A cow needs to be pregnant and give birth in order to produce milk (as must any mammal female). Cows are routinely forcefully impregnated (using a so-called “rape rack”), an act that is in all sense equal to sexual violence, only to have their newborn children torn away+
from them to be sold as veal, for us to steal and sell the milk intended for them. These animals’ reproductive systems are systemically exploited for human gain and pleasure, keeping female animals enslaved for life.
^This is just one example, there are videos out there which most of y'all won't even be able to sit through which show what these animals go through and if you can't watch it, how do you justify eating them?
Morality is a very subjective topic and your views can differ from mine but here are a few things that resonate w me &I'm gonna put them out here, it's understandable if your moral complex doesn't agree w me, good for me if it does, but here are a few points, I'd like to counter-
1. I respect your opinion, you should respect mine: Your taste buds aren't worth more than the life of an animal, so no.
2. It's an individual decision: Bro what about the animal's decision? what about the fact that your choices have victims?
3. We're all inherently animals: But we have something called Moral agency which we need to remember. We're animals which evolved into the "smart" beings we think we are.
4. What if I'm in a survival situation: News Flash- YOU'RE NOT. You all have the choice to have a victim or not bcs of your dietary choices, which one would your morals choose?
5. Lots of animals are killed everyday in making houses roads etc: Veganism is not perfect. No system/ideology is. But it is less shittier than others. And it's a step towards a better world.
6. What about third world countries: If you can not partake in animal abuse then why won't you? It's about addressing a system where it's the worst, the most privileged and the most unnecessary.
In conclusion, if you have the resources and can turn vegan but are simply trying to dodge it in the name of aformentioned reasons, you're whack and well, I don't like you at all.
(if u think I'm up for any debate after typing sm, well NO❤)
Feel free to RT if you agree tho🙏🏼
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