Dangerous quackery. Assuming you can fix serious medical problems which can cause painful periods & hormonal mood swings with diet & exercise just leads to greater morbidity. If you want healthier women take reproductive health seriously, don’t prescribe more yoghurt & a run https://twitter.com/floriogina/status/1301500232291758085
Sure, if you want to continue storing up long term problems & place even greater stress on your health service pretend reproductive health can be fixed with diet & exercise. Rather than the sane approach which is to medicalise the malfunction of essential organs.
This stuff seriously grinds my gears. It’s all over the internet. While we treat conditions of heart, lungs or kidneys etc with medical seriousness they deserve, as soon an organ becomes distinctly female it is assumed to be malfunctioning through sheer spite.
And depressingly it is often women, of all political persuasions, who urge against medicalisation of female health conditions.
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