We have to deal with the fact that it’s not just his supporters affected by the cult of personality, the disinformation tornado. The rest of us have some detoxing to do as well. Recovery starts when we by focus on the facts, truth, and what is real, not the abuser’s personality.
We need to focus on the moon not the finger pointing at the moon.
There’s a point in my own recovery where the hold the abuser had on my being clicked open, a cell unlocked, a spell broken. Freedom began slowly. Over time, now when I think of those abusers, they are non-entities. Powerless. I don’t think about what they said much anymore.
The whole thing about repeating his lies without breaking them down as lies is a lie? That’s part of it. Constant focus on the personality is another. It’s time to change something within ourselves.
And this is exactly how we get rid of him.
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