The physical effects of depression. Stomach pain. Throbbing headaches. Lack of appetite. Missing your period. Constipation/diarrhoea. Chronic fatigue. Nausea. Weight gain or weight loss. Every part of your body aching. Insomnia. /6
An overwhelming sense of shame. This may be from feeling judged by other people, from not being able to accomplish the things you normally can, from struggling with personal hygiene or keeping your environment tidy or from feeling like a failure. /7
Feeling unable to concentrate on anything so you just lie on your bed or scrolling through social media because you can’t concentrate, willing for the hours to go past quickly so the day can end. /8
Guilt. Perhaps this is from struggling to keep up with other people’s demands/expectations or feeling you are letting others down by cancelling on them or not being able to do what you said you would. /9
Feeling like you have to pretend everything is fine. Getting dressed up, doing your hair & makeup, going out, smiling, acting like nothing is wrong. Someone asking you if you’re doing okay and you saying ‘I’m fine.’ /10
Knowing that you’re back in that place again, but not knowing how you can possibly change that. Knowing what helps you feel better but not having the energy to be able to do those things. /11
An inability to even think about the future, let alone plan for it. Perhaps you are now living in the future you didn’t think would ever exist, and that makes everything feel unreal. Perhaps you can’t see yourself making it another day, so planning ahead seems impossible. /12
Your room/house getting disgustingly messy because you don’t have the energy to make your bed let alone empty the bins. /13
Anger at yourself. Because you feel like you’re wasting valuable time. Because you want to be able to fix things but can’t. Because you can’t explain to someone else why you’re feeling the way you are. Because you feel like your progress has all gone. /14
I’m sure this list could go on forever. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. If you are struggling remember you are never alone. For support you can contact: @samaritans @MindCharity @TheMixUK @NSPCC @PAPYRUS_tweets @GiveUsAShout.
You can follow @ItsEmilyKaty.
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