Except maybe Jerry shouldn't live in the fucking wall, the whole world is his oyster he should just leave https://twitter.com/shariaprelaw/status/1302358229838630917
Mice always want to victimize themselves but when was the last time a human hunted and killed a mouse in a street/non agricultural field? Why are they coming at humans and ruining their quality of life? Annoying creatures who don't want to face the dangers they deserve
Tom could just be a happy pet and not even be a worker if Jerry didn't highlight his incompetence and uselessness, Tom's misery stems from the fact that not all cat are workers, his hate for Jerry is justified because he can't afford the street life since cats *do* get hunted
I have no idea where i was going with this thread i just always hated the fuck out of Jerry, Tom is pathetic and useless true, especially for being bitter too often, but he's kind and has sympathy sometimes despite his responsibilities and stress, Jerry has no redeeming qualities
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