We have a huge 6 foot high book shelf in our main sitting room. Quite a number of times, people come, see it, admire the brimming books and turn towards my husbsnd saying 'have you read all of these " or (aap ki kitabein hain). To which he just smiles and points towards me...
And there's clear visible surprise on their faces that how come this woman, who has just presented them with amazing home cooked nihari or pulao or halwa puri, can simultaneously have a passion for reading. The stereotypes are deep rooted in our minds of people ....
Many, too many women are managing their lives in an amazing manner. Bringing up kids, running a decently organised & clean house, working in professional careers or pursuing their passions & yet still I get odd looks when I mention terms like hiking, badminton, exercise boot camp
More often from other women than men. I fail 2 understand why the surprise. Life is not about getting up, breakfast, seeing off school & office going lot & immediately cleaning, bleaching of the house,what 2 cook, gossip filled phone calls.Yes, sometimes.But these are not 'goals'
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