If I could describe the Mulan movie in one word: garbage
They've single handedly ruined my favorite line in the entire movie and im-- KWJW NGEK AJWJAIWJ
This shit is just so badly written I can't even try to compile all the reactions I had while watching it. There's too much nuances I can't let go of.

And that's on top of the controversy of the lead actress of this film. It's just so bad 😭😭😭
I'm raging cause aside from Mulan being my fave Disney movie, I still re watch it every now and then as an adult and to see it butchered like this is horrendous 😭
They tried mixing in the IRL story of Mulan into the Disney animated film and it just sucks so bad.
I'd also like to mention that I was a HUGE history geek back in highschool and lemme just say that there's a ton of questionable elements in that film that I cannot historically comprehend 😑
So yea, spoilers. Mulan has this Chi thingy and apparently she's had an abundance of it since she was a kid, and then there's this witch lady (which imo the story didn't need)..
...ENEHWEH, It felt like the film makers decided to put those 2 elements in just to fill the unexplainable gaps in the product of whatever shit show it has turned into
Mulan has knowledge of the Rouran(lol the huns) plan out of nowhere? Oh she met the witch and talked in a mysterious manner

Mulan's super strength and stamina? Oh she has a ton of stored chi despite being a woman

JFC 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Like literally felt the fear and dread when this character was introduced, much more so when I watch the film as an adult and then we were given a crappy way to introduce the antagonists during an ambush...on a walled, gated community surrounded guards

But heck plot amirayt? 🙄
THIS FEELS LIKE A STAGE SET UP WITH A BUNCH OF FAKE BODIES LIKE U KNO ITS FREAKIN PHAKE AF whereas in the original you reeaaaaaallllyy felt your stomach drop
Ling, Yao and Po could be yeeted out of this film and it would still be the same. Feels like they only added them in for novelty's sake. Also the comic relief character, Cricket, not funny..AT ALL
AHM JUS SAYIN 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Black and covering the faces for villains is a bit meh gasgas
I also felt as if the witch could've been yeeted out cause she serves no purpose aside from being the one to trigger Mulan's character development (as if there was any) 🙄
And if I may be so frank...

It's a 'every other B rated chinese fantasy knock off movie' with a budget
All style no substance
Plugging this thread, IT IS GOLD https://twitter.com/XiranJayZhao/status/1302352476465590272?s=19
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