If you want my opinion, the only options are

- A nasty, isolated English nationalism (while Scotland and probably Wales reach out to the EU)

- Or a federal grouping of 3 nations, England, Scotland and Wales.
What about NI? Not sure.

But I can imagine a United Ireland more easily than I can imagine NI cleaving to an Independent England that threw it on the fire when we were pursuing Brexit.

NI shares a land border with the EU. That will be where its interests lie.
If we go down the federal route, the relative power of England will diminish. Westminster won't be able to dictate any more. The other 2-3 nations won't allow it. That'll be the price of saving something we can still, vaguely, call the UK.
So in seeking more centralised power, supposed independence, growth and flag-waving patriotism, England (cos it was mostly England) will achieve the opposite.

Less power for Westminster. Taking orders from the Welsh. Poorer by 10%. And the flag torn apart.

We are so dumb.
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