Amy as the night Reg: a thread.
Showcasing her homemade scrubs.
Sympathetic when one of the night team has called in sick.
Adding some superfluous spice to an otherwise awesome SHO plan.
Briefing the team in the event of a cardiac arrest.
After a frosty discussion with another specialty.
The nurse-in-charge asks Amy if she would like anything from the Chinese takeaway tonight.
A patient she saw last night now has a completely different diagnosis to the one she had given.
Getting peppered by the bleep.
Discussing how much fluid to give a dehydrated CCF / CKD patient...
...turns out that was just enough fluid to send them into flash pulmonary oedema.
Just a generic med reg gif.
Senior reviewing a hyponatraemic patient clerked by the SHO, when her specialty is endocrine.
Giving career advice to the FY1 on becoming the med reg.
The post-take consultant arrives at 7am.
When the consultant does a complete overhaul on her plan.
The SHO tries to console her after anaesthetics request her bottle-holding skills in theatre.
Getting interrogated at handover when she’s not got the energy for it.
In the car on the drive home, keeping herself awake.
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