ok but reading midnight sun and being so engrossed in it has made me realise how complicated of a language choice Stephanie meyer chose for edward. like going from reading rick riordan books to twilight then midnight sun i was like ok hold up i need a minute to process this . +
ricks books are so easily digestible bc they’re middle school grade books but even then i went to twilight and was a little shocked from the language change. then i got to midnight sun and it was like a whole other level. switching between toa 4 and midnight sun feels like +
going from reading a picture book to harry potter in primary school for the first time. in saying this i think that’s why i’ve enjoyed taking my time reading midnight sun. the way edward’s mind works is so complex and with the language he uses and his thought process +
it really gives off that he is from another time. i’m loving everything about midnight sun tbh, it shows so much of each characters personalities. especially bella. even then with my re read of twilight i’m picking up on so much theyve left out in the movies and how poorly +
bella’s character was portrayed. it’s been working me up ngl. this thread just took a diff turn but yeah i’m so glad to be reading midnight sun rn bc it’s opening me up to a new way of writing since i’ve got back into reading after my massive reading slump. i chose to reread +
and catch up with the riordanverse to ease me back into reading bc the writing style was simple and now twilight is easing me into a more complex style of writing n it’s actually making me feel like my pea sized brain is making progression with expanding on reading
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